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Polymer Virtual Entity API was created to simplify usage of virtual (packet-based) entities with special visual properties. While they might require additional setup for player to be able to see them, they don't affect on server's performance as much. Additionally, they can't be removed by other mods or commands, making them more persistent against accidental breaking and crashes.


VirtualElements are object controlling single instances of packet entities on client. It allows you to position, rotate and modify any supported properties of selected entities. This api provides multiple builtin ones that are most likely to be used. They need to be used with ElementHolder to be visible. See more in section below.

  • BlockDisplayElement - Used for displaying blocks. Shows as minecraft:block_display on client,
  • ItemDisplayElement - Used for displaying items. Shows as minecraft:item_display on client,
  • TextDisplayElement - Used for displaying text. Shows as minecraft:text_display on client,
  • InteractionElement - Used for detecting interactions. Shows as minecraft:interaction on client,
  • MarkerElement - Used for attaching other entities (more later). Shows as minecraft:armor_stand with marker properties on client,
  • MobAnchorElement - Similar to MarkerElement, but allows for more effects. Shows as invisible minecraft:slime of size 0.

There are also multiple abstract classes and main VirtualElement interface you can use to implement things in more flexible way.

Example usage:

// Creation
var element = new TextDisplayElement();
// Changing entity-specific property
element.setText(Text.literal("Hello world");
// Changing offset
element.setOffset(new Vec3d(0, 5, 0));
// Adding to holder. More info below!

Creating a ElementHolder

ElementHolder is main object, that holds and manages ticking and sending of groups of VirtualElements. It can be (and in many cases should be) extended, which can be used to create more dynamic elements without requirement of backing it with BlockEntity or Entity objects. However, you still need to attach it to make it visible and tick. This can be done by using attachments. (more in section below).

Example usage:

var holder = new ElementHolder();

var element1 = createElement(...);
var element2 = createElement(...);
var element3 = createElement(...);

// Adding elements

// Removing elements

/* Attach here */ 

Using HolderAttachments

HolderAttachments are final element, that connects ElementHolders with their position and ticking. There are multiple builtin ones, which different purposes:

  • EntityAttachment - attaches to any entity. Can be created with EntityAttachement.of(ElementHolder, Entity), which requires manual ticking or EntityAttachement.ofTicking(ElementHolder, Entity) which does that automatically.
  • ChunkAttachment - attaches to a chunk. It's destroyed after chunk gets unloaded. Can be created with ChunkAttachment.of(ElementHolder, ServerWorld, BlockPos/Vec3d) for manual ticking, or ChunkAttachment.ofTicking(ElementHolder, ServerWorld, BlockPos/Vec3d) to tick automatically.
  • ManualAttachment - Used as a stub, doesn't handle anything by default. You need to call methods by hand.

Example usage:

var holder = new ElementHolder();

/* ... */

EntityAttachment.ofTicking(holder, player);